Fail Fast: Cultivating Entrepreneurship in the Classroom
60 min PD credit
Three guest speakers discuss the importance of teaching business students to fail fast at entrepreneurship.
Recommended PD Sessions
Boots on the Ground: Q-and-A with a CTE Teacher
Boots on the Ground: Q-and-A with a CTE Teacher
30 min PD credit
Join our Q-and-A with a current CTE teacher to learn about best practices for teaching financial literacy in the classroom.
Game on: College Prep Resources
Game on: College Prep Resources
30 min PD credit
See a detailed walkthrough of Banzai games related to saving and preparing for college: Cost of College, Scholarships, and Paying for College.
Banzai Basics
Banzai Basics
30 min PD credit
Learn how easy it is to take advantage of Banzai's resources in your classroom.